Vor genau 5 Jahren...
... am 7. Mai 2010, begann ich eine Reise, die mein gesamtes bis dahin gelebtes Leben für immer verändert hat... Die Suche nach meinen wahren Wurzeln...
Schon am Flughafen in Wien hatte ich beim Check-in 7 Tibetische Mönche um mich - was für ein Gottes Zeichen - noch dazu ist 7 meine Glückszahl, und meine Seelenzahl - und es war der 7. Mai - MAGISCH ...
Einer dieser Mönche war ein kleiner Junge - er war so wunderschön...
Sie waren alle wunderschön, und ihre Austrahlung und ihre Aura sind mir bis heute noch in Erinnerung. Ich fühlte mich reich beschenkt, beschützt, eingehülltund umgeben von dieser göttlichen Energie. Es hat mich tief berührt, und war für mich ein Zeichen, das Kreta dafür die richtige Entscheidung war und IST
Diesen wunderbaren Sommer 2010, hatte ich die eine, nach der anderen magischen Begegnung. Und immer wieder war mein verstorbener Vater an meiner Seite, als mich begleitender Engel. Ich wurde an besondere Orte geführt, mit besonderen Menschen zusammen gebracht - magische Begegnungen auf Seelenebene fanden statt.
So begegnete ich diesen Sommer 2010 meinem Seelenmann, dieser Seele von der ich mein ganzes Leben lang wusste, dass es sie gibt, und das ich sie eines Tages wieder finden werde.
Eine Liebe die weit über das hinausgeht was die Menschen im üblichen kennen und leben. Es ist eine Liebe die keine Zeit kennt, und wo die Begegnung immer im JETZT ist. Die gemeinsamen geteilten Erlebnisse schenkten mir so viele solcher JETZT-Momente, wo zwei Herzen im gleichen Klang schwingen, wo das eine sich in das andere einfügt, miteinander verschmelzt, und Augenblicke der absoluten VOLLKOMMENHEIT gemeinsam erlebt werden - als ein WIR
Ich bin dieser Seele, meinem Seelenmann von ganzem Herzen dankbar, für die vielen und wunderschönen Erlebnisse. Er öffnet in mir Türen zu den tiefsten Schichten meines Wesens. Durch den Blick in seine Augen, erkenne ich mich selbst. Er lässt mich in den Spiegel blicken, wie sagenhaft, magisch, grossartig, wunderschön und wie liebenswert ich selbst bin. Er lehrt mich bedingungslos zu lieben.
Hier nachfolgend möchte ich euch noch einen Text mitgeben von Judith Kusel, der diese Liebe näher beschreibt, und was ihr Sinn ist hier auf Erden.
Ihr könnt den Text original in Englisch, hier in Deusch übersetzen:
The soul itself, when created as 12 flames first and foremost has been created to reflect a Divine Attribute back to the Divine. Therefore
the soul experiences this attribute or the essence, or value trait of
the Divine in all its forms and expressions: – the shadow, the light,
so that the Divine can experience this through his/her Creations.
In this regard there was a specific call for specific twin flames, in a specific milieu. Most
of these had been involved with the planet from the very beginning, as
scientists aboard the great Mother ships, and also because there a great
love had been born for the planet. They were then first and foremost involved on a VOLUNTEER basis, and then secondly to do SPECIFIC work.
the Ancient Mystery schools which were established from the very
beginning, and attached first of all to the first 12 Crystal Pyramid
Temples of the 12 Tribal People of the first 12 Tribes that developed
out of these settlements. This
happened more or less because each Temple worked on a different Cosmic
RAY, and thus it had a different colour vibration and frequency, and
also the inner Temple Staff worked on a specific ray which performed a
specific task. Sometimes these Temples had more than one task to fulfill, but this is neither the time nor space to go into details here. This is covered in my book: “Why I was born in Africa – the true and untold story of the first civilization on Planet Earth…..”
soul groups were involved in this whole venture, eg The Illumined Ones,
The Loving Ones, The Graces, etc. Those twin flames from these
specific groups normally have a very high sense of CALLING. That
means from the time they were born (some of course are walk-ins, but
they KNOW this and are very focused on this) with a deep and profound
sense of DESTINY. It is as if they know for sure that they have incarnated to do specific work and are normally very much SERVICE orientated. In
other words they will be drawn to professions where they can serve the
community at large: – it does not matter whether this is as an engineer,
architect, doctor, healer, counselor, librarian, writer, teacher,
philanthropist, etc …. They will serve in all and every way they can and will often blaze new trails for humanity.
When the twin flames of these specific groups meet, it is an instant recognition of the Divine Other. THEY JUST KNOW. With
it will come the deep knowing that their union is here to serve a
GREATER PURPOSE – that is combining their souls mission and purpose
their own mission will be amplified and thus with the union, and in the
merging between the two flames, they ignite the third, and GREATER FLAME
or FIRE, and thus will then reach a far greater scope of audience, or
work-frame, or larger platform than just doing the work on their own.
is here that the proverbial chaff is separated from the corn, for these
Twin Flames, will always have a common ground of the MYSTICAL calling
somewhere along the line, and it will not just be one of them – it will
be BOTH of them, for they reflect this in each other.
these Twin Flames I am addressing today: – the Twin Flames who are
called on the Highest Mystical Path, and therefore called into the total
dedication towards serving the three-fold flame of LOVE, POWER and
all Twin Flames fall in this category and those who follow this path,
will have recognized this long before I have recorded this.
twin flames have a long history of serving and being initiated into the
Ancient Mystery Schools of Elysium, Lyra (Lion Civilization), Lemuria,
Atlantis, Greece, Egypt, Balkans, Ural Mountains, and Mexico.
of them have within their energy fields certain symbols engraved which
identifies them and those who can read these will immediately identify
them for who and what they are and in what capacity and under which ray
they are serving.
higher the rank of these souls, the more these signs will be illumined
within their forehead and also under their left breasts and on their
upper arms.
the Ancient Mystery Schools in the Great White Lodge on Sirius, a
record of these is kept, as well as in the Super-Consiousness Energy
field of the Divine. These cannot be faked nor can they ever be removed. They were EARNED.
means that these souls had to go through stringent initiations in the
inner and outer planes and the Mystery Schools of the Divine Source
itself, and therefore these symbols then were EARNED and they recognize
these in each other. It is a subconscious recognition of high initiates and they KNOW.
These then are those who were always and are then drawn to the mystical. They
do and be no other and there is no other pathway which appeals to them
as much, as that ever delving deeper and deeper into the Mystical, the
Gnostic, the Tantric, the Trinity, the eternal three-fold flames and
those attributes of God which makes it the greatest Mystery of Eternal
life and love force there is.
For these Twin Flames there is a great calling then to supreme dedication on the Highest Paths. They
will then go through intense initiations into that inner seeing, that
inner opening up of the heart energies, and then the 7 gateways to the
Sexual energy, that meeting of male and female on a profound level.
path is not for all Twin Flames, for if both of these, the man and
woman, do not wish to be cleaved open to the very core of themselves, to
be stripped totally naked in their innermost self, and become
vulnerable, fragile, (in Afrikaans they have a beautiful word “BROOS”
which is more than fragile) and then allow love to re-form, re-birth
them, then this is not the path for them.
This is essentially the highest path of crucifixion. It is the path where the Old Adam and the Old Eve has to die, completely die, in order for the New Adam, the New Eve to be born. It is in dying that resurrection comes and with it the Knowledge of the Tree of Life and the portals to Eternal Life open up.
In that dying moment, the third force makes itself felt, the force of resurrection. It is that eternal life force itself, that eternal something which is Divine. It
that force from which all life has sprung and it the eternal breath,
the eternal Presence, that eternal Mystery, as deep as the deepest
cosmic ocean and inexplicable, unthinkable, unknown – eternally
creatively there!
is through that intense moment of union, when one loses oneself
completely in the orgasmic spasms, the woman writhing with the immense
release of the serpent energy, the hovering between worlds that one
experiences this inexplicable force.
one is not opened up to the very core or all life, and has that
profound yearning to become at-one with the Mystery itself, then one
cannot expand into this vast energy field where one literally dissolves
into Nothingness and becomes the Divine Force, only to be reassembled
The greater the love, the greater the flame between the Flames and there then the ever greater call to Higher Service.
This union is not about ME – it is also not about US – it is about WE: – as one heart, one mind, one body, one soul. It is about how we can SERVE the greater whole with our union.
How can our union then serve the greater whole? How
can our love for each other, our calling, our purpose, our serving,
ignite the eternal cosmic flame in the hearts and souls of many? How can our union make a difference to the world?
See, how everything shifts.
This is what Christedness is all about.
is that flame, that eternal quest of the soul to truly SERVE the Divine
in all and every way it can, but through this Mystical pathway of
Sacred Sexual Union.
It is a PATH.
It is a CALLING.
It is a supreme way of serving, but only if the heart and soul are Pure and the Intent is there to serve.
Ego has no place there.
It is not about how many orgasms one can reach and how much for how long. That is getting the wrong end of the stick.
is in this sense the deep honoring of the soul in the other, like
seeing the Divine there, and in this moment of union, man is fully
present in his deepest manhood, with his heart and soul, and through his
beautiful manhood gifts her with all his soul-being and she opens up
her whole womb, her most sacred womanhood to receive him with her whole
heart and soul and being fully present there, and she gifts him in turn
by enveloping him, by giving him back in equal measure the immensity of
her heart, soul and being. It is then that both sink into the Depth of the Mystery itself… dissolve into it… become it…. Experience it…..
In that moment the eternal life fire is lit, the fire of Illumination.
That is the supreme gift of the Gods .
Yet, never this to used in self-service, only in highest service.
Let those who have ears – hear.
Let those who have eyes – see.
Let those who have the inner understanding – understand.
The rest sleep the sleep of forgetfulness.