Live in the now - Live in the moment
Eckhart's profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless
people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in
their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of
consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in
human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in
transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a
prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of
violence on our planet.
Eckhart is a sought-after public speaker and teaches and travels extensively throughout the world. Many of his talks, intensives and retreats are published on CD and DVD. Most of the teachings are given in English, but occasionally Eckhart also gives talks in German and Spanish. Eckhart is also a pioneer in using technology to disseminate his teachings. Through, he gives monthly talks, live meditations and answers questions from viewers. In addition to The Power of Now and A New Earth, Eckhart has written a book designed for meditative reading entitled Stillness Speaks. A book consisting of selections from The Power of Now is also available, entitled Practicing the Power of Now.
Eckhart is a sought-after public speaker and teaches and travels extensively throughout the world. Many of his talks, intensives and retreats are published on CD and DVD. Most of the teachings are given in English, but occasionally Eckhart also gives talks in German and Spanish. Eckhart is also a pioneer in using technology to disseminate his teachings. Through, he gives monthly talks, live meditations and answers questions from viewers. In addition to The Power of Now and A New Earth, Eckhart has written a book designed for meditative reading entitled Stillness Speaks. A book consisting of selections from The Power of Now is also available, entitled Practicing the Power of Now.
Here is a short video from Eckart Tolles Movie above
Ein sehr interessanter Vortrag von Silke Schäfer den ich euch allen von Herzen empfehlen kann zum anhören. Sehr stimmig
Den Link zum anhören findet ihr hier
Vollmond-Botschaft vom 03. Mai 2015 von Silke Schäfer
Gestern, Sonntag-Abend konnten wir wieder in einer grossen Gruppe die Vollmond-Energien kanalisieren. Der Kurz-Vortrag, den ich zur aktuellen Sternenlage gesprochen habe, steht jetzt gratis zur Verfügung.
- Das Wesak-Fest, der höchste buddhistische Feiertag
- Das Erdbeben in Nepal
- Stier = Verdichtung und Manifestieren der Gedanken
- In der Präsenz leben
Silke SchäferGestern, Sonntag-Abend konnten wir wieder in einer grossen Gruppe die Vollmond-Energien kanalisieren. Der Kurz-Vortrag, den ich zur aktuellen Sternenlage gesprochen habe, steht jetzt gratis zur Verfügung.
- Das Wesak-Fest, der höchste buddhistische Feiertag
- Das Erdbeben in Nepal
- Stier = Verdichtung und Manifestieren der Gedanken
- In der Präsenz leben
Anhören auf meiner Website:
Anhören in Soundcloud:…/03052015-kurz-vortrag-vollmond-sti…
Download im Webshop als mp3 (kostenlos):…/vollmond-botschaft-stier-03-mai…/
Viel Freude beim Hören.
Anhören in Soundcloud:…/03052015-kurz-vortrag-vollmond-sti…
Download im Webshop als mp3 (kostenlos):…/vollmond-botschaft-stier-03-mai…/
Viel Freude beim Hören.