Samstag, 15. November 2014

Because it's urgent to take care of our wonderful planet
mother earth Gaia NOW, 
I postet some more links further down below. 
Please take your time to read and watch. It concerns us all!

Gaia or Ge (Greek Γαῖα or Γῆ) 
in the Greek Mythology
is the personified earth 
and was one of the first goddesses.

She is a breathing, feeling living being. 
She is our HOME.
Be gentle to her. 
Caress her.
Treat her with the love you would give to your new born ones. 
She is pure beauty. 
She is pressious. 
She is unique...

Respekt & Love her


HOME is a non-profit film.
HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

You find HOME on YouTube on the link below

and the soundtrack from HOME you find here

It's a fantastic made movie with stunning views about our wonderful planet earth Gaia.

On Wikipedia you can read more about this grate movie

Here more in German language

Here is the blog from the director Yann Arthurs-Bertrand

His homepage


19. June 2012 Yann Arthurs-Betrands next movie came out -
PLANET OCEAN. Here you can see the trailer

He's right now working on another movie that will appear 2015 - HUMAN

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