A importand message from Kiesha "Little Grandmother" Crowther to us all...
Sjaman and «wisdom keeper» Kiesha «Little Grandmother» Crowther:
One of the reasons I have been asked to gather the Tribe of Many Colors and to share the messages and information I have been given is to help prepare humanity for the unbelievable shift that is prophesied to happen on planet Earth.
Nearly all indigenous people’s prophecies, including the Maya and
the Hopi, agree that something massive is due to happen on Earth at this time, something that will change the entire path of human development.
All the indigenous spiritual elders, advanced beings, and wisdom keepers on the planet right now are receiving a similar vision from Spirit and from Mother Earth herself—we are in the midst of a Great Shift on planet Earth that will bring with it destruction of the old and herald a new age.
Mother Earth will shift into her high heavenly self and that human beings arebeing given an opportunity to go with her into a higher dimension. It is
a pivotal moment of collective choice for humanity.
Will we continue on our destructive, blind, life-killing path,
or will we radically change the consciousness of humanity and
living from the heart,
once again in harmony with Mother Earth?
- clip from Keisha's performance at the Earth and Beyond conference 2014
The most important thing to care about right now: Mother Earth. Keisha Crowther aka Little Grandmother, wisdomkeeper, talks about very relevant issues that concern us all as people of the Earth. Listen carefully, openly, lovingly, consciously.
Kiesha Crowther Little Grandmother, one of the 12 young Shaman wisdom keepers to establish the "Tribe of many colors" recently was on a European Tour spreading her message on how to start living from the heart.
This is the 3rd video from the Zurich workshop covering questions from the audience on subjects such as crop circles, star beings, God, UFO sightings, the purpose of crystals and who are the 12 Wisdom Keepers.
Recorded on November 2/3, 2010.
Don't worry about the small cuts in the video; it is due to editing out the German translations to make it more compact, keeping only the English original.
Watch the full video on http://vimeo.com/17023911