Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Eine Göttin...

Eine Göttin ist eine Frau, die ...
Sie ist eine Frau, die aus ihrer eigenen tiefsten Tiefe auftaucht.
Sie ist eine Frau, die ehrlich ihre Dunkelheit erkundet hat und die gelernt hat,
ihr Licht zu feiern.
Sie ist eine Frau, die in der Lage ist, sich in die großartigen Möglichkeiten,
die in ihr schlummern, zu verlieben.
Sie ist eine Frau, die die magischen und mysteriösen Plätze in sich kennt,
die heiligen Plätze, die ihre Seele nähren und sie ganz machen können.
Sie ist eine Frau, die Licht ausstrahlt.
Sie ist anziehend.
Sie betritt einen Raum und Männer ebenso wie Frauen spüren ihre Anwesenheit.
Sie hat gleichzeitig Kraft und Sanftheit.
Sie hat kraftvolle sexuelle Energie, die nicht von physischem Aussehen abhängig ist.
Sie hat einen Körper, den sie anbetet und es wird deutlich, in der Art und Weise,
wie sie behaglich darin lebt und sich darin bewegt.
Sie schätzt Schönheit, Licht und Liebe.
Sie ist allen Kindern eine Mutter.
Sie fließt mit dem Leben in müheloser Anmut.
Sie kann heilen mit einem Blick oder einer Berührung der Hand.
Sie ist Heilung durch Mitgefühl und Weisheit.
Sie ist eine Sucherin der Wahrheit und sorgt sich tief um etwas,
das größer ist als sie selbst.
Sie ist eine Frau, die weiß, dass ihre Bestimmung im Leben ist,
höher zu gelangen und mit Liebe zu regieren.
Sie ist Frau, verliebt in die Liebe.
Sie weiß, dass Freude ihre Bestimmung ist und indem sie sie umarmt und sie mit anderen teilt, werden Wunden geheilt.
Sie ist eine Frau, die erfahren hat, dass ihr Partner ebenso zärtlich, verloren und verängstigt ist, wie sie es zu bestimmten Zeiten war.
Sie hat schließlich die Narben des Jungen in ihm verstanden und weiß, dass miteinander, die Liebe die Erleichterung, die Heilung all ihrer Wunden sein kann.
Sie ist eine Frau, die sich so annehmen kann, wie sie ist.
Sie kann andere annehmen, wie sie sind.
Sie kann sich selbst ihre Fehler vergeben und sich nicht von denen anderer bedroht fühlen, sogar, wenn sie angegriffen wird.
Sie ist eine Frau, die um Hilfe bitten kann, wenn sie sie braucht oder helfen kann, wenn sie darum gebeten wird.
Sie respektiert Grenzen, ihre und die anderer.
Sie kann Gott in den Augen anderer sehen.
Sie kann Gott in ihren eigenen sehen.
Sie kann Gott in jeder Lebenssituation sehen.
Sie ist eine Frau, die Verantwortung übernimmt für alles,
was sie sich in ihrem Leben kreiert.
Sie ist eine Frau, die vollständig unterstützend und gebend ist.
Sie ist eine Göttin.

Sharon-Lee Kaplan, The Goddess Imperative

A woman who emerges from her own deepest depth is a goddess.
She is a woman who has honestly explored their darkness and has learned to celebrate its light. It is located in the great opportunities which slumber in it, to fall in love with a woman who is capable of.

She is a woman who knows the magic and mysterious places, can make all the sacred places nourish their souls and they. She is a woman who radiates light.
She is attractive. She enters a room, and men as well as women feel their presence. It has at the same time strength and gentleness. She has powerful sexual energy that is not dependent on physical appearance. She has a body that she worships, and it becomes clear in the manner as enveloping it lives and moves in. You appreciate beauty, light and love.
She is a mother to all children. It flows with the life in effortless grace. She can heal with a look or a touch of the hand. She is wild, sensual and erotic fearless and committed the sex as their way to touch the divine with someone else. It is compassion and wisdom. She is a seeker of truth and deeply cares about something that is bigger than yourself. She is a woman who knows that their purpose in life is to reach higher and to govern with love.
She is woman, in love with love. She know that joy is her destiny, and by embracing them and share them with others, wounds are healed. She is a woman who has experienced that your partner is also affectionate, lost and frightened, as it was at certain times. She has finally understood the scars of the boy in him and know that with each other, love can be facilitating the healing of all her wounds.
She is a woman who is so can accept, as it is. She can assume others as they are. She can forgive themselves their mistakes and not by other threatened feel, even when she is attacked. She is a woman who can ask for help if she need it or can help if it is asked. You respected borders, their and others.
She can see God in the eyes of others. She can see God in their own. She can see God in every life situation. She is a woman, takes on the responsibility for everything that they themselves created in their lives. She is a woman who is completely supportive and giving.
She is a goddess.

Samstag, 24. Januar 2015

... Somewhere over the rainbow...

Als ich heute morgen aufwachte und die Balkontür öffnete, sah ich einen wunderschönen grossen Regenbogen. Es war ein magischer Moment, und ich bedankte mich bei meinen "Helfern" da oben für dieses Zeichen und wünschte mir was...

Etwas später als ich wieder raus schaute, war da nochmal ein grosser schöner Regenbogen. Diesmal in einer anderen Himmelsrichtung.
Das lies mich mal verstummen...

Nach einiger Zeit kam ich zu diesem Video als ich nach Regenbogen suchte. Ich liebe diese Version - und da war es auf einmal da...

Diese schönen Regenbögen, heute an meinem 45. Geburtstag, hat mir mein Papa geschickt. Er hat dieses Lied oft für mich gesungen...

Ich danke dir aus tiefstem Herzen für dieses wundervolle Geburtstagsschenk Papa.

Deine Tochter

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015



I am one with the Heart of the Mother
I am one with the Heart of Love
I am one with the Heart of the Father
I am one with God.

Ave Maria, Kyrie Eleison.

Let me remember, let me remember,
Let me remember I am one with God.


Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Magic Mantra-reverse negative to positive

 I AM the light of My Soul

"There is a light in this world...a healing Spirit much
stronger than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes
lose sight of this force when there is suffering or too
much pain. And suddenly the Spirit will emerge...through
the lives of ordinary people and answer in extraordinary
ways." Mother Teresa

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

Jeder Tag kann der schönste in deinem Leben werden - es liegt an Dir. 

Was denkst Du wenn du morgens aufwachst?

Wie wünscht Du Dir Deinen Tag?

Mit welcher Einstellung begegnest Du jeden neuen Tag?

Achte auf Deine Gedanken -
sie formen Dein Leben

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

Welcome to the 5th Dimension - Pleiadian Message to Humanity 

und nachfolgend noch einen Link in Deutsch was uns global im Jahr 2015 erwartet

a site in English that explains very good what we globaly expect this year 2015

Those of you who want to read more about the energies for us all in 2015,
I paste here the text that Tery Van Horn - Healing Light, postet on Facebook. Tery really writes what I feel - thank you Tery :-)

Welcome to 2015 - a New Year & a New You!

30. Dezember 2014 um 21:52 
This morning I've been thinking about 2015 and what it has in store for us.  I've always felt and said that it was going to be a "great year", but really... what does that mean? 

I checked-out a few of my favorite "go-to" blogs and none of them had anything written about 2015!  How strange is that?  When I commented on this to my husband, his response was, "Well I guess you just need to go in and find out for yourself!"  There's nothing like a husband to keep you in check, you know?

So, I went for a walk in the pasture, with this on my mind.   
What is 2015 going to bring us? 

LIGHT ~ First of all, I've been getting that this is a time for Lightworkers to really Be the Light.  This is our year to be the stars!  Not in a "look-at-me" sense, but more along the lines of that we'll be a guiding light for the rest of the world.  Just like the Star of Bethlehem, we'll be guiding others towards the Light.  Whether you call it God, Jesus, Allah, the Universe, Angels, the Light... it's all the same thing and we'll be leading others out of the darkness so that they can see this light and return back to the beautiful and divine souls that they truly are.

PEACE ~ There will be peace.  Not a tremendous amount (as we'd like), but certainly more than we've had lately.  The energy of peace is here and we need to continue to hold it in our hearts to help bring it to fruition.  This is not only a peace that might be brought about with world leaders, but also a deep abiding peace within ourselves.  Of course, the pathway to peace is love and forgiveness, so make certain that you include this in your own personal resolutions. 

LOYALTY ~ We need to remain loyal and steadfast in our path and our purpose.  This will be much easier for us to do this year, because we have so much assistance from the heavens.  This is also a reminder that we need to also be loyal and support those we love and stick by them through thick and thin.  We also need to be very loyal/faithful in our own spiritual practice... whatever that may be.  Pray, meditate, go within, journal... whatever works for you, just make certain that you do it so that you can remain centered, grounded and focused upon your path.

ANGELS ~ This is a reminder that our Angels are with us always and that they will really be in attendance for each of us this year.  I don't mean attendance, like they're in heaven enjoying themselves, but that they'll be right here, thisclose to us watching every step we take, guiding us and supporting us along the way.  Know that we are never out of their sight and that they are just waiting for us to call on them so that they can swoop down and assist us with whatever it is that we want or need. 

COMPASSION ~ This is really the year for us to show ourselves compassion!  This isn't just lip service... we are directed to really be compassionate towards ourselves right now.  So we've made mistakes... big deal!  Acknowledge it, own it, correct it and move on!  We also need to show compassion and forgive ourselves for anything that we feel is lacking or mistakes that we have made in the past. 

NEW YOU ~ I've called my New Year's healing sessions, New Year - New You, but this is exactly what I'm being told that 2015 is.  This is a year for us to work on ourselves, to create a New You... one that is more spiritual, moving up the ascension ladder and creating a life where we can lead by example.  This isn't about being selfish - not by a long stretch!  It's about taking care of 'your own house' before you venture off to save the world!

RETURNS ~ This is the week of returns.  You know, that hideous sweater that Aunt Bertha gave you that's four sizes too big.  You know that the only thought in your mind when you opened that package was, "I can't wait to return this awful thing!"  Guess what?  It's time to return some more hideous things in your life: anger, fear, jealously, the mentality of never having enough, unhappiness, addictions, drama, gossip... these are all damaged goods and this crap has got to go!  You don't need this stuff anymore, so get rid of it!  (yes, I know that this is easier said than done, but at least give it a try)  As I told someone recently in a coaching session, "You've been trying it your way for the past several years and now you know the results.  Why not try it my way for a while and see what happens?  What do you have to lose?"  Return the old, bad stuff and replace it with shiny new optimism, positive thoughts & beliefs, love, compassion, and joy.  Seriously... what do you have to lose?

RECHARGE ~ As I'm sitting here typing, my dog is snoring (really loud), helping to bring the last message... we need to take time to recharge our own batteries.  Now I'm more guilty than anyone of burning the candle at both ends, as I have great difficulty saying "no!" because I know that people need assistance.  BUT, while I'm busy helping others (literally) night and day... I'm burning myself out to the point that I'm getting physically ill.  This message is probably more for me, but I'm going to share it anyway, because I know that I'm not alone in this aspect.  We all need to take time to recharge our own batteries.  Say "no!" on occasion - set those boundaries!  As I'm being reminded this week, I'm no good to anyone if I'm 'falling apart' myself.  Take some time for yourself each week.  Just a couple of hours won't hurt anyone and it will do miraculous things for you!  Meditate, read, go for walks, do whatever feeds your soul.  After all... you are worth the investment of a couple hours each week for yourself!

These were the messages that I received today.  I'm sorry that it's not fabulous stock market tips, celebrity predictions or the key to world domination.  What I'm getting is simply guidance for each of us to focus on ourselves this coming year - so that we can help others more effectively. 

The Angels tell me that 2015 is going to be like a treasure hunt!  They want us to follow the clues (the suggestions above), so that we can find the amazing treasures within us just waiting to be discovered!

We wish you much love, light & many, many blessings for an outstanding 2015!


Teri Van Horn & Archangel Raphael

Here you have the link to Terys homepage

Lasst uns gemeinsam in ein wundervolles Jahr 2015 starten -
ein Jahr voller Wunder und Chancen, Träume werden wahr

 888 - Das mächtige Löwenportal Dieses Jahr am 8.8.2024 haben wir gleich drei mal die Acht.  Komme in deine volle Schöpferkraft und werde Ei...