Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017
Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017
Sokrates Condopoulos
Today - in the year 1928, my uncle Sokrates was born.
I never met him, but I remember the photo my grandmother had in her sleepingroom on the wall. I often stood there and looked at that very handsome man. In front of him was a dog lying on the floor. It was something magical about that picture...
Many years later my aunt was telling me a story about Sokrates.
My grandfather, Lasaros Condopoulos was the first officier of King Fesal at that time. It was war... So my grandfather took his wife Warsenik Condopoulos, and his children Sokrates, Iphigenia, Leonidas and Aleko and flew trough many countries. They finally landed in Austria in Raabs an der Thaia, near the border to Czechoslovakia.
And some years ago, my aunt Iphigenia told me a story about Sokrates.
Sokrates was about 15 years old at that time. It was still war, and all the men were out in the war. Just the women and children were left in the village. Sokrates was the one that protected all women and children. He stood there with his charisma and his impressive aura he had, and a very serious and respektful facial expression, so the souldiers that came to take over the village left again. They really were afraid of him.
2 years later, Sokrates died of a intestinal obstruction. At that time the doctors were not working so good, so he lied there with a wound were a part of his intestine were still outside...
I always felt strongly connected to Sokrates, as if I knew him very well.
Sokrates, in loving memory - this is for you
In Greece is today also my Nameday. So happy Nameday to Konstantinos & Eleni
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