Das Licht Gottes...
Heute Nacht, im Übergang vom 31. Oktober zum 01. November, feiern wir "Samhain", welches bei den Kelten das neue Jahr einleitet.
In dieser Nacht sind die Wände zwischen den Welten sehr dünn. Eine besondere Nacht für alle Arten von Ritualen, Räucherungen, und nahen Kontakt mit der Anderswelt und den Ahnen.
Jetzt beginnt die Zeit der Innenschau, des Reinigens, und des Loslassen. Es geht um sterben, Transformation und neugeboren werden. Omega & Alpha.
Passend dazu 2 Videos, was es bedeutet zu sterben und wiedergeboren zu werden, und dem Kontakt mit der Anderswelt.
Ich wünsche uns allen eine magische Nacht.
Passend dazu 2 Videos, was es bedeutet zu sterben und wiedergeboren zu werden, und dem Kontakt mit der Anderswelt.
Ich wünsche uns allen eine magische Nacht.
What happens when you die - near death experience
(Sound in English)
From minute 2:58, the following message:
The message is clear, that we all are here for a certain reason, and that we all are loved and valued. In this life we are together like brother and sister, and what counts the most is, how we treat eachother in life.
The main thing that you can take with you from this is, that you will be taken care of. You are infenitely loved and looked after.
There is no death, only a transition. You will be reunited with the souls of your loved ones, and you will experience magical levels. Peace, love and clarity are waiting for you. But also accountability.
The fate of your soul depends on your behaviour as a human being in this life. For some this are good news, and some others perhaps are inspired to improve themselfes.
In any case, we shoud ask ourselfes the following question:
How do I treat other souls, in this wourld?
What do I do to help myself, and to help the people around me to develop?
Near death experience: "I have been recived from the light." -
an interview with Sabine Mehne in German.
(The for me most important, I have written down here.)
20 years ago, Sabine Mehne was selfemployed as a physical therapist in her own office. She was married, had 3 kids, and had reached the top of her life.
In May 1995, she got a terrible flue with symptoms she never before had experienced. A terrible limb pain and weakness. The strainge thing at the beginning of this flue was, that she had one of her typical premonitions.
And the message of that premonition was - this desease carries death within. This was very strainge for here, because she didn't think about death at all. But this premonition was so intense, that she couldn't ignore it.
So she started internally to deal with it. And today she can say, that it was good. Because she was able to handle it much better.
The symptoms became much worser, so she got into hospital. The doctors very early tought about cancer, but they couldn't prove it. They made one medical examination after the other without finding anything.
She had very high body temperature, she lost a lot of weight, she was swetting during the night, she had skin bleeding. Later one she had terrible pain in her stomach. Only morphine was helping a little. There was also a moment when she was artificially nourished.
Internally she was thinking for herself, that when the doctors don't find anything, she had to die. She had a book at home with the title "children and death". This book helped her a lot, because children have a certain lightness and serenity.
The 14. September 1995, the doctors made an ultrasound and discovered, that she had a bladder paralysis and a intestinal paralysis. (Much later, the doctors find out that she had a highly massive T-Cells lymphoma, that she got a lot of treatment for.) Internally she was dealing with death, because she had no more power left.
All of a sudden she left her body from the top of her head. She looked down on herself and noticed surprisingly, that she was existing in another form than she was used to. And she felt herself more lively than normal. She had no pain, and time was not existing.
She got recieved from the light. A light that was so beautiful and bright, without dazzling her. She became one with the light. She felt a love and a freedom inside this light, that she never felt before. And she had a feeling, that if she would die now, it would be wonderful. To die can not be bad. What is before death, the pain and suffering, that is awefull.
Suddenly she was back into her body again. And the feeling was very strange. To come from this total love and expanding freedom, back into a small and narrow body. All the pain and suffering was back again. It took her years to deal with that, that she had been sent back again to life.
While she was out of her body and in the light, she saw her whole life passing by, with scenes she also had forgotten, and scenes she didn't knew about at all that they had happen around her back. Good things, and also bad things. And all the struggeling with this scenes she saw, went into the ligth and were transformed and became healed.
During this experience she felt all the feelings included, from herself, from all the other people involved. So she could understand it from a higher point of view. That they were not able to act in another way, than they did.
Sabine Mehne wrote a book with the title "Light without shadow", about all her experiences she made in that time. All this have changed her a lot. She is not the same person, as she was before. She need to be near this inner dimension from time to time. Especially to take some time of silence, or to be together with other people she can share her experiences with. On the other hand she enjoy her life now more than ever.
But the transformation she went trough is very strong. For her, the world is to loud, to full, and to weird and to brutal. There are days when she cannot hear any more news, because she cannot stand the way we treat eachother here on earth. She have to protect herself. She don't listen to any radio when she is by herself.
She just need pure silence, quietness, and to feel this oneness with the light in its purest form. At one point she realized, that this light that she felt, is not out there somewhere, it is allways here. Now in this moment, as also when we die. For her, there is no seperation anymore.
Here on earth we allways need duality. We need time, day and night. We need good and bad. We allways need opposites.
Partly she don't need that anymore. She can again and again feel this oneness. This is something wonderful. And that is maybe also that what people are looking for when they meditate, or when they sing, or when they do things where they are in the present moment.For her there is no seperation between death and life anymore.
When you have been so sick, and you are so lucky to be able to heal, then you also know that you are able to deal with such a heavy desease. We always think we are not able to endure so much. But the human being can endure a lot. In that moment our consiousness, or soul has to deal with such things, we develop such a power, that is unbelievable.
She also made the experience that whatever happens her in life, she can deal with it. You don't have to be afraid. Of cause she have fears. But she know now she can trust.
She believe that we are here on earth to learn and to make our experiences, and to do something good.
Sabine Mehne have a message to the people:
- Don't be afraid of death
- Don't be afraid of life
- Life is a gift (we never know how long time we have)
- Live a good life
- Increase love
- Enjoy every day as if it would be the last